Finding gluten free beer can be tough and most of the time it isn't even worth the effort with so many ciders and seltzers out there. On top of that, most gluten free beer is gluten removed and that doesn't work for everyone (including me). I have listed the 3 beers that I think are worth the effort to find and have.
Glutenberg anything: This is the GOAT (greatest-of-all-time, of course). It is always the play. I like the red ale and the pale ale the best. This is the beer that your non-GF friends will say "no way that's gluten free" and we all know that is the best compliment a GF product can get.
LakeFront Brewery New Grist Pilsner: I have only seen this in the midwest but if you get a chance to try it, do it! This beer will not disappoint. It's easy to want more once the 6 pack is gone. On a Sunday, while watching football, 18 of these may just do the trick.
Sprecher Brewing Company Shakparo: This is an undervalued GF beer. It doesn't taste like any of the others out there. I truly enjoyed it and in a frozen glass, it is a 'great with dinner' beer. If you can find this, it is worth picking up.
